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---\\ _ _/ \ r.n.o. // /aC!d
- L A B E L -
---[i]NTRODUCTiON & NEWS-------------------------------------------
5th release from rNo-label at yar hands. From now on I will
start releasing abit more often, have been abit lazy lately but
as I got more and more releases down my mail by other fab groups
like Milk,Mono211,Theralite and Tokyo Dawn Rec, I decided to
speed it up abit. On the news side I have nothing considering
the label, but our demoscene section has just released a THE
PARTY 8 slide. Go download it at our homepage
(http://amigascne.org/rno) This is AMIGA only though.
yep...check it out and look forward to new releases commin very
- tFt
title____________________"Krank" & "Reeturner"
size_____________________275k & 259k
length___________________8:13min & 10:21min
release nr_______________005
info_____________________CIE hits yar ass with an oldie but
goldie from his module collection.
CIE being the longest member of
RNO finally smacks yar ass with 2
hardhitting detroit trax,
"Reeturner" being my personal
favorite. Snor in sume speed and
get out on the dancefloor and
pound away.....BOM BOM BOM....cya
all in DETROIT HELL..........tFt99
---[H]OW TO PLAY 'EM-----------------------------------------------
If you use AMIGA, please use players like HIPPOPLAYER or APLAYER.
For PC users I advice you to ALLWAYS use the LATEST version of
MODPLUG, probably the BEST MODULE PLAYER EVER for the PC. You
can find links to all these programs on our homepage.
---[W]HERE TO GET 'EM----------------------------------------------
The most easy thing to do is to go to HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL
there all the releases will be at all times. But we will also be
available at AMINET, and ofcorz our BBSs' You can also go to
HTTP://COME.TO/RNO-LABEL and add your self to our mailing list.
Then you will get all the latest releases directly down your
EMAIL BOX. You can also choose if you don't want the files and
just notice about the release.
9.8.99 - ROZ "Hows Oph Joy" :rNo-L001.lha (545k)
16.8.99 - POW "Melting Pot" :rNo-L002.lha (635k)
28.8.99 - KURE "Headswitch" :rNo-L003.lha (434k)
15.9.99 - ROZ "Leak EP" :rNo-L004.lha (811k)
30.9.99 - CIE "Krank" & "Reeturner" :rNo-L005.lha (282k)
---[D]iSTRiBUTiON SiTES--------------------------------------------
AMINET - mods/misc
LOS ENDOS - sysop: Exon&Ghandy open 24h ASK-4-IT
JUJU - sysop: Wrec/DCS
TURBO HYTTYNEN - sysop: tMu/rNo! open 24h +358-3-5134212
A-FILES - sysop: tOOl/rNo! open 18-07 +358-3-5130029
Contents of mods/misc/rNO-L005.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 157141 275836 57.0% -lh5- 276e Jul 5 1997 CIE-Krank.mod
[generic] 122978 259108 47.5% -lh5- fbfd Jan 1 1980 CIE-Reeturner.mod
[generic] 186 383 48.6% -lh5- 6f78 Sep 30 1999 file_id.diz
[generic] 1620 3889 41.7% -lh5- efaa Sep 30 1999 rNO-L005.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 281925 539216 52.3% Oct 21 1999
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