Xmas to the Xtreme
A MED song by Zap!
This is my attempt of making Xmas a fun season w. your Amiga! Featuring
hits like 'Silent Night', 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer', 'White Xmas',
and the parade music from the disney Xmas special when all the toys walk
into Santa's bag, plus some original stuff (hopefully sounding Xmasy!)
It's all in somekind of modernistic version, though definitely NOT techno,
more some kind of reggea-influenced polka beat with a twist...?
If there are any Swedes out there, try getting the Swedish_WheelMix_ZAP.MEDmod
that shouldbe out there somewhere. It has a lot of patriotic Xmas music in it!
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As usual, a note about the samples. Those ending in .snd are from my old ABC80
with my home built sampler from years and years ago. I no longer have a sampler
and find this very good, since it forces me to user old samples in innovative
ways. I like to be limited, since it is more of a challange. I enjoy writing 4
channel amiga music more than using all my other synths and drummachines, since
using them takes some of the challange (and FUN!) out of it!
Sample Comment
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flysnare.snd - From Depeche Mode's fly on the windscreen, fiddled with in
OctaMED 4.0's powerful Filters
flexbasd.snd - The bassdrum from Depeche Mode's song 'Flexible'
glasklir.snd - From the DDRUM demo tape :-)
go.snd - Me, saying GO! (How original!)
clhihat.snd - From the legendary Roland TR-909 drummachine
contamix.snd - From the ddrum demo tape hehe.
snrtflsk.snd - After failing a few attempts at blow-in-a-bottle, I asked
my friend who have played flute for quite some time to do it.
Here is the resulte, pitch-fixed and filetered in OmedPRO 4.0.
Marimba, StringsC(M) - From the MED disk
ANALOGBASS1 - From a friend of mine that actually has a sampler (Mine was to
my old ABC80, built by me, and since not the sampler nor the
ABC80 computer works, I have no sampling capability. Good for me :-)
Snail: Hakan 'Zap' Andersson
St Almby 3382b
S-635 05 Eskilstuna
Phone: +46 16 96460
Email: zap@lysator.liu.se
! If you love my music, let me hear from ya! If you hate it, let me hear from ya anyway!
! If you want to, send me money, flower, girls or other nice stuff :-) If you dont want
! to, then don't! (Simple eh :-) If you think this sentence has too many if's then you
! don't know if it has enough if's for you, or if it is an "if" sentence at all.