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` Incognito '
By - Homer j
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
Transient sez:
"Transient" is an electronic music group with dreams of the big time. At
present we have four members, Homer j, Naf, phia and Zee. Any music that we
release will be under the `Transient' name.
Oh, by the way, if any group/individual would like to help release/spread
our mods on a permanent basis, or if anyone is interested in joining up with
us, or if you need a musician in your crew or music for your production,
then just get in touch with us at one of the above addresses.
Homer j sez:
Pure club with a funky style bass. Is this progressive house? Or just some
alternate sounding techno? Yahhhh!
If you like this song but feel there could be some changes made, then get
cracking and make a remix! Send it to me and i might upload it as a
Transient guest-release-remix.
Do you want the 72min. edit of "Visions" on CD? Send an E-mail to us and
we'll see what we can do.
IMPORTANT: We could be going offline for good soon (hey, stop smiling!) So
the last few releases could be just that: the last. At least on
Aminet. Any new releases will be put up on our site, so keep
checking our for releases and CD info. I'm thinking about
uploading to traxinspace.com, coz they support all forms of
music, all platforms and encourage new musicians.
phia sez:
It's been fun. ='(
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, swapping brains, joining up, guest
releases or just for a chat (yes, we are that bored).
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Bobby Clark - USA
Damnation/Instinct - New Zealand
cBa - Australia
Mutant Gumby - Australia
}{øm@® j + nå£ + ph¡a + Zee = Transient 1998
Contents of mods/med/tst_inco.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 151 241 62.7% -lh5- ad8d Aug 29 1996 file_id.diz
[generic] 196744 334504 58.8% -lh5- 9074 Aug 29 1996 med.Incognito
[generic] 1992 7528 26.5% -lh5- 462b Aug 29 1996 tst_1997.rel
[generic] 2621 9712 27.0% -lh5- aca7 Aug 29 1996 tst_1998.rel
[generic] 1127 2187 51.5% -lh5- ff7b Aug 29 1996 tst_inco.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 202635 354172 57.2% Oct 7 1998
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