` The Eleventh Hour ' - Tweak It Mix
Remix By - phia
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
Original By - Bobby Clark
E-mail: bobclark@korrnet.org
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~Dr_Who_9/bc-productions.html
Transient sez:
"Transient" is an electronic music group with dreams of the big time. At
present we have four members, Homer j, Naf, phia and Zee. Any music that we
release will be under the `Transient' name.
Oh, by the way, if any group/individual would like to help release/spread
our mods on a permanent basis, or if anyone is interested in joining up with
us, or if you need a musician in your crew or music for your production,
then just get in touch with us at one of the above addresses.
phia sez:
The first time i heard this weird 11/4 timed module, i knew i'd do a remix
one day. I did finish the remix only ten days after the original was
released, but there were some problems (long story) which delayed it's
emergence till now.
I stole only two samples so the end result would sound as different as
possible. I agree with Homer on the fact that remixes should be done in the
remixers style, to totally change the feel of the module.
If you disagree, good. Differences in opinions make the world go round. =)
Sorry Bobby, but it's in boring old 4/4 time without even so much as a cut
block to break the monotony. :P
Bobby sez:
"The Eleventh Hour" as a minimalist piece, eh? Verrrry interesting. It still
sounds like the original track just a bit. Tho as you can tell, it's all
stamped with phia's style. Oh, the flanged drumloops are cool too!
Just to let you know: I'm working on a couple more guest trax that I'm going
to allow my Transient friends to release! Stay tuned.
Homer j sez:
"Visions" is now on CD. We're not going to outsell The Prodigy with it, but
if anyone wants a copy, mail me and i'll see what i can do.
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, swapping brains, joining up, guest
releases or just for a chat (yes, we are that bored).
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Bobby Clark - USA
Damnation - New Zealand
luNix - Sweden
cBa - Australia
Mutant Gumby - Australia
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