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"A Better Future"
By - phia
E-mail: imugford@newave.net.au
S-mail: P.O.Box 608, Semaphore 5019 South Australia, Australia
WWW: http://surf.to/transient
Transient sez:
"Transient" is an electronic music group which specialises in techno and
house/dance tracks, yet also journeys into the fields of drum'n'bass/jungle
and the more pure, hard-edged forms of trance, goa and acid.
At present, we have three members: phia, Zee and Naf. We're always on the
lookout for more, so if you'd like to join, simply get in touch with us at
one of the above addresses.
phia sez:
Good news. Homer j has agreed to release any of his future tracks through
us. Although he says he may not be able to track as much as he wants to, he
will try to finish at least one tune a month.
Well according to the amount of e-mails recieved about how good Homer j's
modules are and how many dedicated followers he has out there, any releases
will be eagerly awaited.
Now, onto the release info.
Does this one classify as rave? Too modern i think. If you know what the
German speech sample says (and if i'm in a good mood) then you might get a
free copy of the "A Segment Of Time" CD when it's done. :P Mail me.
If you like this song but feel there could be some changes made, then get
cracking and make a remix! Send it to me and i might upload it as a
Transient guest-release-remix thingy.
We always sez:
E-mail us for comments, suggestions, swapping brains, joining up, guest
releases or just for a chat (yes, we are that bored).
Greets to all we know, including: Darcey Lloyd - UK
Jack Temperton - UK (oldest fan)
Bobby Clark - USA
Damnation - New Zealand
luNix - Sweden
cBa - Australia
Mutant Gumby - Australia
Homer j - Australia
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ph¡a + Zee + naf = Transient 1999
Contents of mods/med/tst_bett.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 137 245 55.9% -lh5- 668a Aug 29 1996 file_id.diz
[generic] 313441 492498 63.6% -lh5- ab3e Aug 29 1996 med.ABetterFuture
[generic] 1992 7528 26.5% -lh5- 462b Aug 29 1996 tst_1997.rel
[generic] 3267 12806 25.5% -lh5- b942 Aug 29 1996 tst_1998.rel
[generic] 1570 5005 31.4% -lh5- b426 Aug 29 1996 tst_1999.rel
[generic] 1226 2628 46.7% -lh5- cd72 Aug 29 1996 tst_bett.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 321633 520710 61.8% Feb 24 1999
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