Oh no, it can't be ... but it is ... yet ANOTHER RELEASE from the infamous
studios of B.C. Productions. Will it never end?
Name of this composition: "Guru Meditation"
Style: Ambient dance mid-tempo music.
Influences: A lot of Enigma on this one. A nod, however,
goes to Timelord, author of "mod.affinity",
a VERY GOOD Enigma-style module. If you like
this one, go check out his homepage at
http://hypodermic.insync.net/~tl. VERY GOOD
MODS AND S3MS are to be found here!
The most distinguishing thing about this piece is the really spooky sounding
howl you can hear in the background, right during the beginning of the song.
It sounds very chilling! *brrrr*
This one is dedicated to my very good friends Saraba and Keisa, of the
IRC undernet #amigacafe, for inspiring me to write this module. I hope
you two enjoy this one as much as I do.