This is version 0.8 of A2410EVD, an External Video Driver for ShapeShifter
version 3.2a or higher. It supports MMU-refresh on 68040-equipped machines,
and support delta-buffer refreshing on other Amigas running ShapeShifter.
Source code is now included (be aware that the asm-code is brutal looking).
Simply copy the A2410 file into your ShapeShifter "Video Drivers" directory.
You *must* have EGS (by Viona) and the A2410EGS driver (by Juergen Schober
and Thomas Herlyn) installed and working correctly. Additionally, *DO NOT*
expect to run both ShapeShifter and the Workbench on the A2410, and switch
between them.
ShapeShifter Settings (Memory)
If you are using MMU refresh (with a 68040 only), you should make sure that
you leave enough memory aside for the single video buffer. In other words,
do not use the "Largest Free Block" setting in Shape's Memory options.
Instead, make sure that your "Mac memory" suits the following approximations:
Resolution Amount to subtract from "Maximum"
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
640x480 310K. So if "Maximum" was 5000, "Mac memory" should be 4690.
800x600 480K.
1024x768 768K.
If you are using delta-buffer (with 68020 or higher), you need to DOUBLE the
amounts shown above.
You should try to make sure both the MacROM image AND the video-buffer for
the A2410 are in 32-bit memory, otherwise performance suffers greatly.
ShapeShifter Settings (Graphics)
Make sure that the "Color depth" option is 8-bit.
"Screen type" should be "External"
"External driver" should be the "A2410" file.
Use the "Choose" gadget to select an A2410 screen mode, which you've already
setup using Juergen's A2410Config utility.
Make sure the horizontal size is a multiple of 32, since I don't do it yet.
Set the "Refresh rate" to around 10 on an 030 machine, or 5 on an 040 machine.
The "MMU refresh" check-box within ShapeShifter has no effect on the external driver.
Instead, once the driver starts, it will provide you with some choices...
Distribution and Copyright Notice
A2410EVD is giftware. Freely distributable via CD, disk, FTP,
or any other form. No profit may be made with the distribution
of this software, and I must be contacted first before it is
included on any cover-disk.
The source-code is now included, and can be modified at will. However, if you use
this as the base for a future driver, please let me know, and contact me regarding
any shareware fees you may be charging.
A2410EVD, ©1995-1996 by Brian D. King, Fourth Dimension Software.