This is a small program to view AMOS Sprite, Bob or Icon Banks on an
Intuition screen. If all objects can't fit on screen, the screen will be
Usage: (CLI only)
AmSpView FileName/A
It's very simple to use (too simple, you might say). There's no multiple
filenames or pattern matching. But then again, it was only meant to be a
quick and dirty viewer for my own use.
I needed a viewer to use with DOpus, and as I haven't seen a program that
suited my needs, I made one myself. As I don't know if anybody else could
find a need for it, I consider it a finished product. But if you feel the
program could be expanded, let me know! Bug reports/suggestions are
Whatever you suggest
A better name?
I am not responsible for any damage this program could inflict. (Is there
anyone who dares take responsible for their product's behaviour? ;-) )
This program can be considered Freeware. If you would like to see the
(lousy) assembler source, send me an e-mail. (It's not very
self-documenting, but someone might find a use for it)
Kick 2.04+
Arild Kvalbein