84476 packages online


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Short:Car racing game, simple 3D perspective
Action:PAL; NoAGA
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============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    6298    5514 12.4% 12-Dec-91 05:08:14 +course1.rcr
    6556    5584 14.8% 12-Dec-91 05:03:18 +course2.rcr
    5408    4555 15.7% 12-Dec-91 05:17:38 +course3.rcr
    6232    5369 13.8% 12-Dec-91 05:19:48 +course4.rcr
    2480    1264 49.0% 30-Nov-91 11:29:40 +course5.rcr
    3220    2122 34.0% 12-Dec-91 05:26:32 +course6.rcr
    4050    3037 25.0% 12-Dec-91 06:21:32 +course7.rcr
    3884    2774 28.5% 12-Dec-91 04:35:16 +course8.rcr
    3260    2113 35.1% 12-Dec-91 05:22:48 +course9.rcr
    7001    3139 55.1% 11-Jan-92 21:56:18 +solidquad.txt
    6240    1409 77.4% 30-Nov-91 12:02:28 +alphabet
    4922    3524 28.4% 30-Nov-91 12:05:36 +alphabet.rcr
    1244    1027 17.4% 12-Dec-91 04:09:26 +burnttodeathpic
   12664    6158 51.3% 30-Nov-91 10:42:26 +cactus.rcr
   15660   10710 31.6% 01-Nov-91 11:14:48 +car.rcr
   10078    5431 46.1% 12-Dec-91 01:00:52 +car2.rcr
   20622   17690 14.2% 30-Nov-91 11:06:30 +carside.rcr
    2420    1996 17.5% 30-Nov-91 11:07:52 +catleft.rcr
    1244    1019 18.0% 12-Dec-91 04:09:44 +caughtinhellpic
   14828    5656 61.8% 12-Dec-91 04:10:04 +championpic
    3904    2712 30.5% 30-Nov-91 11:08:32 +cones.rcr
    9190    6907 24.8% 12-Dec-91 04:10:18 +congratpic
     630     502 20.3% 12-Dec-91 04:10:28 +course*23pic
     630     492 21.9% 12-Dec-91 04:10:38 +course1*3pic
     630     498 20.9% 12-Dec-91 04:10:48 +course12*pic
    8856    6374 28.0% 12-Dec-91 04:11:06 +coursespic
   14852   10439 29.7% 30-Nov-91 11:05:14 +cyclist.rcr
    1244    1037 16.6% 12-Dec-91 04:11:20 +didnotqualifypic
    1242    1010 18.6% 12-Dec-91 04:11:36 +downaditchpic
   14192   12713 10.4% 01-Nov-91 11:18:02 +fire.rcr
    8846    6306 28.7% 12-Dec-91 04:11:50 +gameoverpic
   17634   14386 18.4% 01-Nov-91 11:12:52 +gate.rcr
    5888    4923 16.3% 30-Nov-91 11:28:36 +gravestone.rcr
    5618    5114  8.9% 07-Jan-92 22:31:08 +head.rcr
    7512    7236  3.6% 01-Nov-91 11:15:10 +hedge.rcr
    8842    6314 28.5% 12-Dec-91 04:12:02 +highscorepic
    1114    1083  2.7% 01-Nov-91 11:15:00 +line.rcr
    8782    6234 29.0% 12-Dec-91 04:12:16 +loadingpic
   17216   12672 26.3% 01-Nov-91 11:18:14 +monster3.rcr
   18468   16981  8.0% 01-Nov-91 11:15:54 +monster4.rcr
   17134   15686  8.4% 01-Nov-91 11:17:52 +monster5.rcr
   16662   14056 15.6% 01-Nov-91 11:15:32 +monster6.rcr
    4610    1531 66.7% 01-Nov-91 11:15:06 +post.rcr
    1092    1085  0.6% 01-Nov-91 11:13:08 +puddle.rcr
    1806    1619 10.3% 01-Nov-91 11:16:54 +rabbitleft.rcr
    1788    1556 12.9% 01-Nov-91 11:16:46 +rabbitright.rcr
    5394    4883  9.4% 01-Nov-91 11:15:16 +ramp.rcr
    3934    3756  4.5% 12-Dec-91 04:26:28 +rock.rcr
    1710    1640  4.0% 01-Nov-91 11:15:38 +rubble.rcr
   13754   11191 18.6% 01-Nov-91 11:16:02 +scarecrow.rcr
    8524    3939 53.7% 01-Nov-91 11:15:46 +signpost.rcr
    5556    4889 12.0% 30-Nov-91 12:07:50 +spike.rcr
   10248    8460 17.4% 01-Nov-91 11:15:22 +splashfirescore.rcr
   13372    8579 35.8% 01-Nov-91 11:16:40 +splat.rcr
   23754   10029 57.7% 30-Nov-91 11:28:46 +telephone.rcr
    6854    6340  7.4% 30-Nov-91 12:07:24 +thorn.rcr
   21664   13798 36.3% 12-Dec-91 04:12:32 +titlescreenpic
   24342   19116 21.4% 01-Nov-91 11:17:32 +tree.rcr
   28668   23402 18.3% 30-Nov-91 11:10:16 +tree2.rcr
   39462   33516 15.0% 30-Nov-91 11:28:48 +tree3.rcr
    9048    6637 26.6% 12-Dec-91 04:12:48 +welcomepic
    1242    1005 19.0% 12-Dec-91 04:12:58 +writtenoffpic
    8874    6275 29.2% 12-Dec-91 04:13:14 +youwonpic
   51504   21056 59.1% 12-Dec-91 05:10:42 +solidquad
    1060     962  9.2% 04-Oct-91 13:11:18 +blip
    7027    4784 31.9% 01-Nov-91 11:16:34 +crash
    1792    1765  1.5% 01-Nov-91 11:18:40 +crash.rcr
    3900    3562  8.6% 09-Dec-91 20:57:38 +meow
    4734    3834 19.0% 04-Oct-91 12:33:52 +splosh
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  633110  452975 28.4% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   69 files

Contents of game/race/SolidQuad.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5514    6298  87.6% -lh5- 6208 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course1.rcr
[generic]                 5584    6556  85.2% -lh5- 05af Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course2.rcr
[generic]                 4555    5408  84.2% -lh5- fd6f Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course3.rcr
[generic]                 5369    6232  86.2% -lh5- f786 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course4.rcr
[generic]                 1264    2480  51.0% -lh5- eb6d Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course5.rcr
[generic]                 2122    3220  65.9% -lh5- 5020 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course6.rcr
[generic]                 3037    4050  75.0% -lh5- 1095 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course7.rcr
[generic]                 2774    3884  71.4% -lh5- 37d3 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course8.rcr
[generic]                 2113    3260  64.8% -lh5- 212d Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/courses/course9.rcr
[generic]                 3139    7001  44.8% -lh5- b51b Jan 11  1992 SolidQuad/docs/solidquad.txt
[generic]                 1409    6240  22.6% -lh5- 9aac Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/alphabet
[generic]                 3524    4922  71.6% -lh5- cfea Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/alphabet.rcr
[generic]                 1027    1244  82.6% -lh5- 8f7c Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/burnttodeathpic
[generic]                 6158   12664  48.6% -lh5- 1085 Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/cactus.rcr
[generic]                10710   15660  68.4% -lh5- 1bb6 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/car.rcr
[generic]                 5431   10078  53.9% -lh5- 2a76 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/car2.rcr
[generic]                17690   20622  85.8% -lh5- c244 Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/carside.rcr
[generic]                 1996    2420  82.5% -lh5- 5cc6 Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/catleft.rcr
[generic]                 1019    1244  81.9% -lh5- dba1 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/caughtinhellpic
[generic]                 5656   14828  38.1% -lh5- d73e Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/championpic
[generic]                 2712    3904  69.5% -lh5- a14c Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/cones.rcr
[generic]                 6907    9190  75.2% -lh5- ca9c Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/congratpic
[generic]                  502     630  79.7% -lh5- c0f2 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/course*23pic
[generic]                  492     630  78.1% -lh5- f592 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/course1*3pic
[generic]                  498     630  79.0% -lh5- 3df6 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/course12*pic
[generic]                 6374    8856  72.0% -lh5- 653a Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/coursespic
[generic]                10439   14852  70.3% -lh5- 087f Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/cyclist.rcr
[generic]                 1037    1244  83.4% -lh5- 3fcb Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/didnotqualifypic
[generic]                 1010    1242  81.3% -lh5- 6d2f Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/downaditchpic
[generic]                12713   14192  89.6% -lh5- 6911 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/fire.rcr
[generic]                 6306    8846  71.3% -lh5- cc28 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/gameoverpic
[generic]                14386   17634  81.6% -lh5- 1250 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/gate.rcr
[generic]                 4923    5888  83.6% -lh5- ce21 Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/gravestone.rcr
[generic]                 5114    5618  91.0% -lh5- 1f5a Jan  7  1992 SolidQuad/graphics/head.rcr
[generic]                 7236    7512  96.3% -lh5- 4d27 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/hedge.rcr
[generic]                 6314    8842  71.4% -lh5- 2eaf Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/highscorepic
[generic]                 1083    1114  97.2% -lh5- c9eb Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/line.rcr
[generic]                 6234    8782  71.0% -lh5- caa9 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/loadingpic
[generic]                12672   17216  73.6% -lh5- ca8b Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/monster3.rcr
[generic]                16981   18468  91.9% -lh5- 5f84 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/monster4.rcr
[generic]                15686   17134  91.5% -lh5- 2baa Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/monster5.rcr
[generic]                14056   16662  84.4% -lh5- d467 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/monster6.rcr
[generic]                 1531    4610  33.2% -lh5- 0e64 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/post.rcr
[generic]                 1085    1092  99.4% -lh5- c1a6 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/puddle.rcr
[generic]                 1619    1806  89.6% -lh5- 96c5 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/rabbitleft.rcr
[generic]                 1556    1788  87.0% -lh5- 5f96 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/rabbitright.rcr
[generic]                 4883    5394  90.5% -lh5- 627e Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/ramp.rcr
[generic]                 3756    3934  95.5% -lh5- 1ee9 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/rock.rcr
[generic]                 1640    1710  95.9% -lh5- 8e7a Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/rubble.rcr
[generic]                11191   13754  81.4% -lh5- e4c4 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/scarecrow.rcr
[generic]                 3939    8524  46.2% -lh5- b53d Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/signpost.rcr
[generic]                 4889    5556  88.0% -lh5- 2a9a Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/spike.rcr
[generic]                 8460   10248  82.6% -lh5- a5f7 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/splashfirescore.rcr
[generic]                 8579   13372  64.2% -lh5- 4e16 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/splat.rcr
[generic]                10029   23754  42.2% -lh5- 5c6e Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/telephone.rcr
[generic]                 6340    6854  92.5% -lh5- d10e Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/thorn.rcr
[generic]                13798   21664  63.7% -lh5- dec4 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/titlescreenpic
[generic]                19116   24342  78.5% -lh5- 8d7f Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/tree.rcr
[generic]                23402   28668  81.6% -lh5- 4f24 Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/tree2.rcr
[generic]                33516   39462  84.9% -lh5- b49a Nov 30  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/tree3.rcr
[generic]                 6637    9048  73.4% -lh5- d7c1 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/welcomepic
[generic]                 1005    1242  80.9% -lh5- f8d1 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/writtenoffpic
[generic]                 6275    8874  70.7% -lh5- 66ee Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/graphics/youwonpic
[generic]                21056   51504  40.9% -lh5- 4f89 Dec 12  1991 SolidQuad/solidquad
[generic]                  962    1060  90.8% -lh5- aa48 Oct  4  1991 SolidQuad/sounds/blip
[generic]                 4784    7027  68.1% -lh5- bc57 Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/sounds/crash
[generic]                 1765    1792  98.5% -lh5- 952e Nov  1  1991 SolidQuad/sounds/crash.rcr
[generic]                 3562    3900  91.3% -lh5- f05b Dec  9  1991 SolidQuad/sounds/meow
[generic]                 3834    4734  81.0% -lh5- 4692 Oct  4  1991 SolidQuad/sounds/splosh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        69 files  452975  633110  71.5%            Sep  2  1995

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