Short:        Melodic xm by Mental Floss    ****+
Architecture: generic
Origin: pub/demos/music

                 The Kosmic Free Music Foundation presents
         a trip into Trip-Hop/piano with Mental Floss as your guide
    in mind-altering 15-track Scream Tracker 3 (S3M) wide-screen format
                  3 minutes and 15 seconds long, 6/125 bpm
                          released May 14th, 1995

file problems? email

for further info on the KFMF read the included KOSMIC.NFO text file.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    5106    2019 60.4% 12-May-95 23:20:58  area51.txt
  176084   89899 48.9% 13-May-95 23:49:44  k-ultra.s3m
   18558    5480 70.4% 14-May-95 00:50:22  kosmic.nfo
   10194    3871 62.0% 14-May-95 00:47:24  mlist95.kos
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  209942  101269 51.7% 29-May-95 10:11:30   4 files