Short:        StatusRed by Radich&Howard
Author:       Radich&Howard
Uploader:     hans-christian skattor ub uit no
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic

A rather old cooperation-module. Techno isn't my(HCS)
kind of music, but this just came. It started as an
idea I(HCS) had, and Haavard Pedersen suggested that
we should cooperate on this one and so we did.

This module was also used in a demo. I don't remember the
name, but the group was Balance(I'm not sure???). Only
Haavard Pedersen was credited for this module(a little
misunderstanding between Haavard and the coder of the

Not much to say. In my own opinion is this one of the better
technomodules I have heard. The rythm is hard and heavy doing
the work it shall do. The sound could had been a little
better, but when you are working with old samples, so is
the result.

The drumsequences were made on Protracker3.15 and then
sequenced into samples with QuadraComposer(a brilliant

If you feel like contacting me(HCS) write to this adress:

Hans-Christian Skattoer
Malmveien 216
N-9022 Krokelvdalen
