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Found 104 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
s7-xsara.lha mods/sonor 320 18K 1998-09-01 generic icon Xsara - chip tune - (readme)
s7-wiseu.lha mods/sonor 308 138K 1998-09-01 generic icon Wise Up - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-winte.lha mods/sonor 286 125K 1998-09-01 generic icon Winter Breath - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-wild.lha mods/sonor 278 12K 1997-06-03 generic icon Wild - chip tune - (readme)
s7-waiti.lha mods/sonor 288 104K 1998-09-01 generic icon Waiting For You - slow funky tune - (readme)
s7-visib.lha mods/sonor 299 159K 1998-09-01 generic icon Visible Silence - slow drum`n`bass tune - (readme)
s7-virtu.lha mods/sonor 261 141K 1997-06-03 generic icon Virtual Energy - techno tune - (readme)
s7-viole.lha mods/sonor 277 116K 1998-09-01 generic icon Violet Sky - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-uno.lha mods/sonor 297 15K 1997-06-03 generic icon Uno - chiptune - (readme)
s7-tthem.lha mods/sonor 324 65K 1997-06-03 generic icon Title Theme - theme tune - (readme)
s7-troni.lha mods/sonor 320 209K 1998-09-01 generic icon Tronic - trance tune - (readme)
s7-trave.lha mods/sonor 283 99K 1997-06-03 generic icon Travelling Thoughts - piano tune - (readme)
s7-tranm.lha mods/sonor 309 225K 1998-09-01 generic icon Trance Mission - trance tune - (readme)
s7-tranc.lha mods/sonor 324 135K 1997-06-03 generic icon Tranceraven - techno tune - (readme)
s7-tothe.lha mods/sonor 269 95K 1998-09-01 generic icon To The Stars - slow diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-toomu.lha mods/sonor 273 268K 1998-09-01 generic icon Too Much - fast guitar tune - (readme)
s7-timec.lha mods/sonor 368 50K 1998-10-19 generic icon Times Change - piano tune - (readme)
s7-timea.lha mods/sonor 265 212K 1998-10-19 generic icon Time And Bass - soft drum`n`bass tune - (readme)
s7-thewi.lha mods/sonor 280 127K 1997-06-03 generic icon The Wind Chimes - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-thewa.lha mods/sonor 331 269K 1997-06-03 generic icon The Wave - dancefloor like tune - (readme)
s7-thero.lha mods/sonor 284 243K 1998-10-19 generic icon The Road Of Life - guitar tune - (readme)
s7-there.lha mods/sonor 326 306K 1997-06-03 generic icon The Remix Remix - dancefloor like tune - (readme)
s7-thema.lha mods/sonor 321 182K 1997-06-03 generic icon The Magic Cube - demo like tune - (readme)
s7-theco.lha mods/sonor 295 126K 1998-10-19 generic icon The Country Song - guitar tune - (readme)
s7-takes.lha mods/sonor 257 261K 1998-10-19 generic icon Take Style - big beat tune - (readme)
s7-summe.lha mods/sonor 266 164K 1997-06-03 generic icon Summer Evening - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-sugar.lha mods/sonor 254 231K 1998-10-19 generic icon Sugar Daddy - guitar house tune - (readme)
s7-stent.lha mods/sonor 319 105K 1997-06-03 generic icon Stentorian - slow guitar funk - (readme)
s7-speed.lha mods/sonor 254 397K 1998-10-19 generic icon Speed Freak - fast guitar tune - (readme)
s7-spect.lha mods/sonor 300 245K 1998-10-19 generic icon Spectral Reflect - trance tune - (readme)
s7-spacw.lha mods/sonor 289 461K 1997-06-03 generic icon Spacewar - fast techno with speech - (readme)
s7-space.lha mods/sonor 310 17K 1997-06-03 generic icon Spaceman - chiptune - (readme)
s7-spaca.lha mods/sonor 326 145K 1997-06-03 generic icon Space Activity - acid trance - (readme)
s7-sompa.lha mods/sonor 313 123K 1997-06-03 generic icon Somewhere In Paradise - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-some2.lha mods/sonor 363 499K 1997-06-03 generic icon Sometimes Again - fast guitar tune - (readme)
s7-some.lha mods/sonor 354 438K 1997-06-03 generic icon Sometimes - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-sheis.lha mods/sonor 314 153K 1998-10-19 generic icon She`s the girl - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-seven.lha mods/sonor 261 20K 1998-10-19 generic icon Seven - chip tune - (readme)
s7-seved.lha mods/sonor 262 163K 1998-10-19 generic icon Seven Days - trance tune - (readme)
s7-senso.lha mods/sonor 345 144K 1997-06-03 generic icon Sensuous Whisper - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-secre.lha mods/sonor 263 98K 1997-06-03 generic icon Secrets - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-saxns.lha mods/sonor 348 282K 1997-06-03 generic icon Sax `n` Summer - slow guitar tune - (readme)
s7-sadtr.lha mods/sonor 275 191K 1997-06-03 generic icon Sad Truth - slow, athmospheric tune - (readme)
s7-remem.lha mods/sonor 336 42K 1998-10-19 generic icon Remember - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-reme3.lha mods/sonor 306 121K 1997-06-03 generic icon Remember3 - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-reme2.lha mods/sonor 411 59K 1998-10-19 generic icon Remember 2 - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-relax.lha mods/sonor 271 62K 1998-10-19 generic icon Relax Yourself - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-refle.lha mods/sonor 280 88K 1998-10-19 generic icon Reflections - diskmag tune - (readme)
s7-rainb.lha mods/sonor 258 189K 1998-10-19 generic icon Rainbow - guitar tune - (readme)
s7-puzmi.lha mods/sonor 288 243K 1997-06-03 generic icon Puzzled Mind - slow, athmospheric techno - (readme)
Found 104 matching packages
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