Short:        Aeron Flux voice samples - sample pack nr 1
Author:       Tarmslyng/loonies
Uploader:     madsl_ forum dk
Type:         mods/smpl
Architecture: generic

Project:   Loonies Records sample division
Label:     Loonies Records
Sampler:   Tarmslyng
Equipment: Creativ sound sampler
Frequency: 16726 8 bit (C-3)
Type:      Voice samples
Source:    from video tape
Amount:    11
Comment:   These samples could be used as a workbench sound!.
           The funny distorted voices you can hear are not
           original but was added by my dying videorecorder.
           A special thanks must go 2 Laika for providing the

The sampels in this pack are free to use. You dont have to
credit me for it; I would just be happy to hear other
people use sampels that I have sampled.

Contact the label at:          

e-mail: or 
fidonet: 2:236/29.9 

Home-page: or