Short:        Mod By Condore of So & So
Author:       Condore (Andrew Drays)
Uploader:     darkcity ticon net (Andrew Drays)
Requires:     Protracker Compatible Player
Architecture: generic

     ___        __  ___
    / _/ __  __/ /_/ _/ __
    \_ \/__\/_  __/\_ \/__\
   /___/\__/ /_/  /___/\__/
    Condore   +    Ash


Condore's Mods are his emotions in sound..

Ash's Mods are experiments in sound...

Combined, they're a very unique group...

We are up and able to talk about record offers.. ;)

PLEASE E-Mail us to tell us what you think of our music..


This tune was, and still is, dedicated to my now x-fiance.. Who brought me
so much happiness at that time.. and who I've written a few songs with
emotions dedicated to her.. 
