Short:        Harmonic Guitar Pop!!!
Author: (Helge Kvalheim aka Helgis)
Uploader:     hkvalhe broadpark no (Helge Kvalheim aka Helgis)
Type:         mods/pop
Architecture: generic

Helgis' first MOD since 1994. Although, most of the old songs from 1994 have
vanished. This new song was made by me on my hardfixet 933Mhz A1G4XE running
Pre4 OS4.0, TheMaestrix AHI-emulator and OctaMED SoundStudio V1.03c using the
Petunia 68k JIT-emulator. Most of the samples were taken from the Walkabout
Music Sample Collection. This song is a mix of harmonic guitar and pop :-)

Play it loud and listen :-) You'll enjoy it :-)

Song written by:

Helgis from AmigaWorld :-)