Short:        Helgis' 7-Channel Pop-Ballad!!!
Author:       Helgis (
Uploader:     Helgis (hkvalhe broadpark no)
Type:         mods/pop
Architecture: generic

Broken Soul @ 2006 (By Helge Kvalheim aka Helgis)
My latest song, written by me Helge Kvalheim (aka Helgis) on my 933Mhz  hardfixet A1G4XE running Pre4 OS4.0,
TheMaestrix AHI-emulator and the MED SoundStudio V1.03c through the Petunia 68K JIT-emulator (as previously known..).

"Broken Soul" was written few days ago. The song is about my difficult times i had in many years. A time when it felt like my
soul was broken down. Torn apart and separated from my body. Like i was wandering the exiled path, whatever way you might see it..
This song is quite deep and harmonic. It's a Pop-Ballad and it uses 7-channel (in Mix-mode, of course)! A lot of work has been put to
this song. It's not finish yet, but when it is, it will surely be released..

Enjoy this song, lean back and relax. Feel the soul being touched. "Broken Soul" is the right song for this if you have a hard day.....

The song is now completed and is uploaded to Stay tuned...

Written by:

Helge Kvalheim (aka Helgis)