Short:        House/Trance Protracker mod by Radius
Uploader:     Radius io org
Type:         mods/house
Architecture: generic

                                   #####  d#b                            
                                   "###"  ###                            
                                    ###   `^'                            
 #b..d#####b  .d#####b..d#  .md########  ##### ####     ##### .d######b. 
 "####" #### d##P"  "*###" d##P"  "*###  "###" "###     "###" ###"   "## 
  ###"  "##" ###      ###  ###      ###   ###   ###      ###  ###.       
  ###        ###      ###  ###      ###   ###   ###      ###  `^###mm    
  ###        ###      ###  ###      ###   ###   ###      ###     `^###m. 
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 d###b        `^#####"^###  `^#####"^### #####   `^#####"^### "#"#####^" 
                 ###^"                                 "^###             
                 ###              ###             
                 ###                                     ###             
                 ###      ###             
                 ###b.                                 .d###             

This mod is (c) 1995 by radius so that means you can't press any
bootleg white labels without me getting really pissed off if I
ever find be forewarned...You can steal all the samples
if you want, I always steal samples from mods all the time anyway, 
and that's where most of the samples in this mod came from :)

   ###^"                                                         "^###
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   ###    of truly cool and awesome shit:                          ###
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   ###b.                                                         .d###