Short:        A happy (raving) jungle style mod thingey!
Author: (Tais M. Hansen)
Uploader:     melanc geocities com (Tais M  Hansen)
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

                           Opaque Musicians Division  
                                    MOD #001          
                                 ->) Strafe (<-       
                            16/12/96, 204BpM, 02:16   
                               Created By: Melanc     

This is Melanc's (and Opaque's) first music release. Nothing special about it,
but you should try reading the sample-text inside the module.

Greetings flies out to:
        All at OpqNet, especially:
                Menace (Farmer Dennis), Zoomorph and Have!
        A 1000'nd regards goes to FBY, Mono & Phase Distortion!