Short:        Quadra Module by Blonde Lion.
Author: (Leo Flavum AKA Blonde Lion)
Uploader:     leo flav dataphone se (Leo Flavum AKA Blonde Lion)
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

"Well....I cannot say I regard David Whittaker as a favourite
SID-composer. He's not even close. That title is more suitable for
people like Tim Follin and Rob Hubbard.
But Whittaker always had that special sense for simple but catchy
arrangements sometimes in the nowhereland between disco and madness.
Sometimes even both disco and madness.....:))
As Whittaker moved on to the Amiga he made great soundtracks for
several games although not composing all of them by himself.
He was very much of a converting Amiga musician. are some of my Whittaker favourites...all in one."