Short:        OctaMED SoundStudio mod of Ninja Remix
Author: (Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe)
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe)
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

Ninja Remix (HKvalhe's Faithul Amiga Edition) @ 2018 by Helge Kvalheim - Norway
This is my completely reworked and much improved Amiga version of the Ninja Remix 
Theme, using the faithful 4-channel Mix mode with high quality, realistic instruments!

The Ninja Remix Theme song follows the spirit of Ben Daglish's original version, but with
a modern twist to it, adding the drum beat as of 2018, and all that on AMIGA! Amazing, eh?!

Took me a day to create this Amiga masterpiece version of the Ninja Remix Theme!

More improved Amiga songs from the Amiga version of Ninja Remix coming soon!

2018 version composed by Helge Kvalheim - Norway
Original version written & created by Ben Daglish

Ninja Remix is a MMD3 module composed with OctaMED SoundStudio V1.03c using TheMaestrix AHI tool 
under AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 1, to emulate a MaestroPro 16-bit soundcard! Mix mode is used in OMSS.