Short:        The Yoko Fan
Author:       Orlingo/Black Sista
Uploader:     Orlingo/Black Sista (orlingo publishnet nl)
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

 ________       _ ______
 \     __|________      |          _________    ___________ ________
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        __________            _________ _________
      _/   ______/_ _______ _/  ______/__    ____|____       __________
      \________    \  ____/_\_______    \      ______/_______\____     \_
      _      _/     \       \     _/     \       |/       /     _/       \
       \_____________\_______\____________\______________/_____/    2s    \

              [ Mortimer Twang - Celtic - Radavi - Orlingo ]

aight.. me orlingo on something else..

some jazzbass, with some breakbeatish.. the usual I guess..

old fuckedup tune, but hey.. I had to release something..

this could be one of the last bs! ones..

I never feel like writing .readme files.. just dl the tune and hear for


              [ should get you there..