Short:        4ch LN2 Central Park Uncompressed
Author: (Helge Kvalheim
Uploader:     hkva2 online no (Helge Kvalheim)
Type:         mods/misc
Replaces:     mods/misc/CentralPark.lha
Requires:     68k/PPC-Amiga, AHI, all MED/OctaMED libs, latest Hippo/OctaMEDPlayer, OMSS v1.03c
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet

Last Ninja 2 Central Park (HKvalhe's Amiga Faithful Edition) @ 2018 By HKvalhe
Central Park is a 4-channel in-game Amiga track for the first level of Last Ninja 2
for Amiga, improved and slightly modified by me - Helge Kvalheim from Norway.

The original Amiga version of the track for Last Ninja 2 was way too noisy and bad,
so I simply wanted to clean the track up and improve it as much as possible, and still
remain faithful to the original C64 version. I believe I have been quite successful! ;)

Hope you'll enjoy the tune while playing the Amiga version of Last Ninja 2 ;)

Thanks for your ongoing support. It means a whole lot to me ;)

Amiga version improved and modified by Helge Kvalheim