Short:        "Humanity" - Super Mega-happy technopop!
Author:       Bobby Clark
Uploader:     bobclark freenet scri fsu edu
Type:         mods/med
Requires:     Octamedplayer 5.0, or something that plays MMD1 med files.
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Only if it makes you happy ... :)

And now, for a nice little gem to brighten your day:

Name of this composition:  "Humanity"
                   Style:  Early 80's happy technopop dance music.
              Influences:  Just about every early 80's synth group, but
                           to be specific:  Post-Dare Human League,
                           New Order, and any group or duo which featured
                           Vince Clarke on keyboards.  A nod also goes to
                           the anonymous author of the module entitled
                           "League of Humans", on the aminet in mods/funet.
                           If you happen to read this, and authored the
                           above mentioned mod, PLEASE e-mail me so I can
                           credit you properly.

For all my fans, I have to tell you ... THIS is the stuff I was raised
on in the early 80's.  It really is a dirty shame that music like this is
very rarely made or listened to anymore, you know?   I mean, it is so ...
well, uplifting!

Anyway, thanks and kudos to everyone who is getting my modules off the
aminet and sending me their comments.  Your mail is VERY MUCH appreciated.
Also, to the usual crew of #amigacafe on IRC undernet for their playtesting
and support!

Mail at: ... Thanks, and keep on smiling! :)