Short:        An enjoyable hardcore piece of music
Author:       Jan Roelkens
Uploader:     Bart VanAssche rug ac be
Type:         mods/med
Architecture: generic

JR'N SVA proudly present their first song: 

         ____   ______ __ __  ______ ______
        / __ \ / __  // // / / __  // __  /        
       / /_/ // / / // // / / / / // /_/ /
      / __  // / / // _  / / / / // ____/
     / /_/ // /_/ // /| | / /_/ // /
    /_____//_____//_/ |_|/_____//_/

         ______ __  __
        / __  // / / /
       / / / // / / /
      / / / // / / /
     / /_/ // /_/ /

         _   _   __  __ ______ __     ______
        / \_/ \ / / / //_  __// /    / ____/
       / \__/ // / / /  / /  / /    / /_
      / /  / // / / /  / /  / /    / __/
     / /  / // /_/ /__/ /_ / /___ / /___
    /_/  /_//_____//_____//_____//_____/

(in English: A Knock On Yer Face)

It's our first piece of music, but we think it's quite good.
This song is a Hardcore piece. We hope you enjoy it.
If you have any comments, reactions, questions, etc...
write to :

Fido: 2:291/1924.3

(If you don't know what this shit means, you're just silly)

This module is in the Public Domain, destined to personal use only. It may
be spread freely, as long as the .readme file and the track remain
unchanged. Commercial spreading and exploitation are prohibited.


Jan Roelkens			Stijn Van Assche
Koningin Astridlaan 104   or    Diepestraat 15
9820 Bottelare                  9820 Bottelare
BELGIUM                         BELGIUM

Coming soon: an extraordinary arrangement of Winter of Vivaldi.