Short: Essential sound <> Author: essential sound/nah kolor <><> Uploader: essential sound/nah kolor <www essential prv pl><essential go2 pl> Type: mods/essen Architecture: generic Distribution: Aminet Format: MP3 - MPEG Layer III, 44.1 khz, STEREO Comment: Original format: OctaMED Soundstudio v1.03c [amiga] From "Syntetikk Life" demo for AmiPPC. The demo won 3rd place at Symphony Demoscene Festival 2002. mastered version of tune -^-»» special_compositions_for_demos_games_disk·magazines_movies_etc. ««-^- midi & 'yamaha cs1x control synthesizer' users are welcome! music request: sysex, midi·xg, cs1x productions-[midi,medss] _______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ._\__ /_\ ,__/ _\ ,__/_\__ /_\___ /_\ __/__\__ /_\ /_ _\ /___. /:. /__/ \______ \______ /__/ / __/ .: /_ / / / /__________ /__ .:/___________/ .: _____\ ____________\ _________/ =====___ / /==/____/===========/_____\======================twr/dzn ./__//____/ - -^--»»» «««--^- - essential_sound [marcin_zajac]:kosynierow gd.53/12,82-3oo elblag,poland! e-mail:,my productions avaiable on the aminet[mods/essen] 'high quality','syndromedia' & 'the race' audio cd's avaiable!