Short:        SCL! - Mod.MRV_InABox  -pt-
Author:       Mr.Vain of Secretly!
Uploader:     tranquilizer mike ruhr de (Mike Delling)
Type:         mods/demo
Version:      v1.0 - (05.04.99 party-release)
Requires:     Player or Tracker to play ProTracker Modules
Architecture: generic

      .---------------------------------------------------`---'------.   .___.
      |    >> S · E · C · R · E · T · L · Y · ! <<                   |   |: .|
  ____|____  _________ ________ _____________________________   _____|   |. :|
._\   ____/__\·  ____/.\  .___/.\____  ·/·  ____/  .   .  /· |__\·   \  _|___|
|: \_____  ·// ___/  :|:  |/  :|:  _/ _// ___/  :|_|. :|_//  l  ·\_   \/   ·/|
|____     _/_____    .|____   .|___\  .\____    .| |: .|____      /\_     _/:|
    l_____j     l_____j   l____jnOp!\___/  l_____j |___|   l_____j  |_____|__|
      |                                                              |   (___)
      `-----------[ if four registers are not enough... ]------------'

Our  contribution  for  the  4  channel  sound-competition  in  1999 at the
symposium party in fallingbostel/germany (near Hamburg).

Module by.:  Mr.Vain of Secretly!     
MusicStyle:  Demo / House

Unser  Beitrag  zu  dem 4 Kanal Sound-Wettbewerb auf der Symposium Party in
Fallingbostel/Deutschland (bei Hamburg) in 1999.

Module by.:  Mr.Vain of Secretly!     
MusicStyle:  Demo / House 

                    /\                                /\
   _ __ ____/\_____/  \  ___________  ________/\_____/  \___________ __ _
                       \/           \/
                  /\       · We are in need of coders! ·      /\
  _   ____/\_____/  \  _________  ____________________/\_____/  \__ _  _
                     \/         \/